EdTech Lessons on Technology Adoption in the Church

Mar 12, 2021 | Podcast, Season 4

Recently churches around the world have been forced to make sweeping changes to their services and ministries, many operating exclusively online for months. Some of these changes have been fruitful. But as most of us have seen, the innovation of sacred space is a delicate process. How can churches move forward with new technology without resistance or, worse, leaving people behind?
Jessica Pilsner is an Education Technology Coordinator at St. Thomas School, and currently studying for a graduate degree with the University of Washington Human Centered Design and Engineering program. In this episode, she and Chris talk about the lessons Educational Technology has for tech adoption in the church. They also discuss a virtual Hackathon event coming up this month called Code for the Kingdom, and how God how God has been at work in Jessica’s career, creating a path she couldn’t have anticipated.
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