Hi Friends! We shared this update on the TheoTech newsletter and wanted to post it here as well.
What we did in 2019
Last year we produced 10 podcast episodes.
One highlight was my talk on A Second Reformation which had 437 social media shares and a video on Language Diversity which got almost 10,000 views on Facebook!
We also launched Project Pentecost, a campaign helping churches reflect the diversity of God’s Kingdom.
We pulled together a multilingual cast for this powerful video clip to give a taste of what it means to be the Body of Christ and we produced a worship song that’s been translated into 7 languages.
We also hosted Pray for Tech gatherings and co-sponsored Code for the Kingdom Seattle.
Taking the time to recount this makes me grateful–God is good!
But I also realize that we’ve lacked clarity on what we’re about for this community. In fact, this lack of clarity is why I haven’t written in a long time…
So now what ?????
One goal for 2020
First, I’m sorry! I’ve been so obsessed with getting things done that I’ve neglected you, my tribe.
It makes me think of the saying, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
I regularly stretch myself too thin going fast alone ????.
So here’s *one way* I want to build our tribe this year:
I want to produce 20 Theotech podcast episodes that are helpful and relevant for you.
My plan is to keep interviewing people who integrate their faith, work and technology on the show. But this year, we’ll also add solo episodes with a theological perspective on the latest tech news/trends.
The goal is to make our (which includes you!) podcast a “go-to” destination for everyone interested in the theology of technology.
Become a Patron
Here’s how you can make this possible: become a Theotech Patron.
As a patron you can suggest podcast guests, episode topics and questions to answer.
You’ll also get biweekly updates on what’s happening behind the scenes at Theotech. I’ll share the ups and downs of seeking to live into our calling.
It’s going to be raw, vulnerable and joyful!
We’re aiming to raise $5,000 for the podcast.
You can be a patron at any amount, but at $5/month about eighty patrons would fund the season. Any excess would fund bonus content/experiences/projects.
We’ve already got several recordings waiting to be produced including:
“The limits of AI and the necessity of bias” with a Professor of Artificial Intelligence
“Creating, promoting and sustaining apps for Christians” with the creator of verses.life
“Data for Dignity” with the author of a book sharing stories of how big data is used to fight human trafficking.
God is using technology to advance the Gospel. It’s our joyful privilege to join what God is doing and help others do likewise.
Thanks for helping us reach our goal by becoming a Patron!
Chris Lim